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The Story of Rocky Raccoon as told by our esteemed Vice Commodore, Peter Green


Dear Members,

For approximately two weeks we've had an uninvited dinner guest and launch resident. Almost every night Rocky Raccoon would visit dinner tables looking for handouts or aggressively displacing diners from their seats at the table! He also took up over night residence in the bilge of one of the launches. I evicted him from the launch and screened the vents he used to gain entry. "The launch is no Bed & Breakfast", he was told. Although he wore a mask, he wore it incorrectly over his eyes. Our membership chairman, Anthony Rosco, tried to get Rocky to join the club but refused to send a check to George Morstatt, our treasurer! 

Well, enough is enough!! Your intrepid Vice Commodore set a humane Hav-a-Hart trap near the deck. We promptly caught a very handsome Calico Cat. The cat was released without bail that morning. The Vice- Commodore was not to be trifled with! He reset the trap in the Gazebo. Rocky sneered. He enticed Rocky with more cat food. Rocky ate the food and escaped! Finally, this morning the Vice Commodore received a text message from Chris Tomsen, launch operator extraordinaire: "There's  a critter in the cage!"

The game was afoot! The Vice Commodore and his trusty sidekick, P.C. Charlie Schneider, sized up the situation and decided on a breakfast first! Then, Rocky was whisked away to the forest adjacent to Split Rock Golf Course and released to harass the golfers!




HARLEM YACHT CLUB • 417 Hunter Ave, City Island NY 10464 •

Lat. 40° 51’ 00” N  Lon. 73° 47’ 24” W

VHF 72 • 718-885-3078    

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